PEARC18 Hackathon Instruction

PEARC18 Hackathon Instruction

Task 1

Integrate existing molecule editors to the SEAGrid rich client.

Editor Codes Download

  1. Download Burai QE GUI from  as per your OS. https://github.com/BURAI-team/burai/releases/tag/ver.1.3.1
  2. Download gromacsimum.zip from  https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1lQYExHmSnh6YQuIzb3-x7MLOdZl6yIHP

Prerequisites for SEAGrid client

  1. JAVA 1.8 or higher
  2. JAVA IDE (InteliJ, Eclipse)
  3. GIT

Client Code

  1. Perform a fork of the rich client repository https://github.com/SciGaP/seagrid-rich-client.git. For FORK details: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo.

    Image I - Fork from scigap/seagrid-rich-client

  2. Download your forked repository: git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/seagrid-rich-clientCopy the clone link from  ‘clone or download’.

    Image II - Clone the code to your forked branch

  3. Test the implementation locally. Once tested email the gateway PI, Pamidighantam, Sudhakar <pamidigs@iu.edu> for the evaluation of the implementation.
  4. The green light from PI, commit the code to your forked repository.
  5. Create a pull request.

    Image III - Creating a pull request

  6. Add gateway PI Pamidighantam, Sudhakar <pamidigs@iu.edu> as a reviewer.
  7. Confirm the pull request from your git repo.

    Image IV - Add code reviewer, add a comment to the pull request and create it.

Task 2

Implement dedicated application input interface for Django portal.

Prerequisites for Django portal custom application input editor

  1. Install Node.js
  2. GIT
  3. (Optional) Install Visual Studio Code or Atom Editor. You'll need a text editor for developing the custom input editor.

Custom Input Editor code

  1. Clone the django-airavata-workspace-input-editor-template repository.

  2. Follow the directions in the README.md
  3. When you are ready to publish the new input editor, first create a new repository in Github and push the cloned repo to 

    git remote set-url origin NEW_GITHUB_REPO
    git push -u origin master
  4. Update the package.json in the repo and add the repository field and set it to the Github repository you created in step 3.
  5. Publish the package to npm. See the README.md
  6. Let gateway PI Pamidighantam, Sudhakar <pamidigs@iu.edu> know about the new custom editor.
