XSEDE Workshop-Albany State University 2016

XSEDE Workshop-Albany State University 2016

Workshop Agenda

Data Files for Session

SEAGrid Portal Guide 

  1. Use https://seagrid.org/ to launch Vina experiment jobs.
  2. Download data files provided in above link to run experiments.
  3. You are provided with pre-registered test user logins and passwords for the gateway portal. 
    Let's Get Started!
  4. To create and launch an experiment navigate Experiment →Create
  5. Enter all required information and upload input files. 
  6. NOTE: Each user will have their own 'Default Project'. Project, is simply a grouping of experiments. 
    Users have the option of creating a new project and using them in experiment creation.
  7. For more details on using the portal try SEAGrid Portal User Guide