Using Gamess Editor
Using Gamess Editor
Tutorial - Use Gamess Editor & create Gamess input
- SEAGrid Desktop Portal → Application Editors → Gamess
- Opens, Gamess Input GUI.
- Select Molecular Specification → Data
Image I - Gamess Input GUI - In Molecular Specification window select File → Import →Nanocad
Image II - Molecular Specification - Opens Nanocad Editor GUI.
- Click 'Clear' and clear the existing default water molecule.
Click Structure → Molecule → InOrganic →Hydrogen-peroxide
Image III - Importing Molecular StructureClick select. The molecule will be in Nanocad editor now.
- Shift+Click one white ball (H) to remove it.
Image IV - Hydrogen-peroxide without a H - Click Structure and change the H element to C and click Select. Close the Import Structure window.
- Shift + Click closer to where the previous H was removed from.
- Shift+ Drag from O (red) to C (gray).
- Then click 'Add H' and it adds 3 H to the C.
Image V - Added H to the C - In Force Field dropdown select UFF.
- In Minimize dropdown select Conj.Grad.
- In Output/Input Menu select Gamess Input. To the pop-up message 'This will open a Gamess GUI, and the current..........' say Yes.
- Opens a Hydrogen-peroxide Molecular Specification. provide a job title, mhp.
Image VI - Molecular Specification with Hydrogen-peroxide - Click Done and say yes to the pop-up screen. Opens up Gamess INPUT GUI
Image V - Gamess Input GUI with Hydrogen-Peroxide - Select Methods → RHF → MP2
- Select Basis sets -->Segmented Contractions → N311
- Basis sets -->Supplementary Functions -->NGAUSS = 6, NDFUNC = 1, NPFUNC=1, DIFF SP = TRUE and say Done.
Image VI - Selecting Supplementary Functions - Runtype -->Gradient → OPTIMIZE, it changes RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE in the input file.
Image VII - Gamess Input in GUI - Click EXPORT.
- Opens Create Experiment window.
- Run on Comet in Shared queue.